Menko Menkov and Partners Law Firm

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Завършила магистърска степен по специалността „Право” с професионална квалификация юрист в Нов български университет. Участвала е в научни конференции и практикуми по теми, свързани с Гражданскоправни и Публичноправни науки. По време на обучението си е стажувала в нотариални и адвокатски […]

Managing Partner

Managing Partner

Managing Partner

Mr Anton Stefanov is an expert on civil process, contract and commercial law, tax and administrative law and procedure.

About the law firm

Menko Menkov & Partners Law Firm is one of the most prospering law firms in the country, and the name of its founder – lawyer Menko Menkov – is one of the most respected in the legal circles of the Republic of Bulgaria.


Nomination in the Law Firm of the Year category for 2022

Menko Menkov & Partners is one of the most prospering law firms in the country, and the name of its founder – lawyer Menko Menkov – is one of the most respected in the legal circles of the Republic of Bulgaria. The experience accumulated over the years, the personal qualities, honesty and professionalism have become the trademark of Mr Menkov and his team of lawyers.

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Professional approach by experienced lawyers.