Administrative law and procedure

Administrative law and procedure


Управляващ съдружник

Адвокат Антон Стефанов е специалист по граждански процес, облигационно и търговско право, данъчно и административно право и процес.


Юридически стаж – 12 години. Член на САК. Практикуващ в широк спектър от индивидуални искове във всички области.

Administrative law and administrative procedure define the relations that develop between legal entities and the state as a subject with authority. Executive bodies issue numerous and varied administrative acts in connection with the performance of their functions. We have extensive experience in challenging administrative acts issued against legal or natural persons. We can assist you when you need to reach favourable consequences that are decreed by a public authority through an administrative act. These include building permits, various business licences, and all administrative acts that favour you and your business.